The Thinking Atheist

History Will Not Forget

How Humans Became Humans: The Evolution of You and Me

Confessions of an Ex-Pastor (with Timmy Gibson)

We of Little Faith: Why I Stopped Pretending to Believe (with Kate Cohen)

What is Project 2025?

Mother Teresa Was Not a Good Person?

14 Things the Misguided Religious Establishment Doesn't Want You to Know

Why Can't Christians Agree on 'True Christianity?'

Challenging Dogma: The Dangers of Unquestioned Beliefs

If I Fell Into a Black Hole (and other cosmic questions): with Dr. Dan Batcheldor

I Faked Worship in Church


The Science of Sagan

FreeDumb: A 7-Minute Reflection on American Exceptionalism

The Thinking Atheist Interview: The Triumph of Christianity

Playing God: An Evolutionary History of World Religion (with David Fitzgerald)

Top Ten Creationist Arguments

Seth Andrews, host of The Thinking Atheist, on the un-Christian behaviour of many Christians

The Hoarders

Seth Andrews Teaches Sunday School

Atheist Bible Quiz Time!

Ten Things Christians Wish Jesus Hadn't Taught (with author Dr. David Madison)

America is Number One? Not Even Close.

How Do Many 'Christian Nation' Americans think?